Policy EHA - Graduation Requirements (2024)

Policy EHA - Graduation Requirements (PDF)

Issue Date: April 12, 2020

Updated: December 13, 2023

Diplomas or Certificate of Completion

The District will award a diploma or certificate of completion to students who complete the requirements as follows:

  1. High School Diploma
    1. Successful completion of the core curriculum and all state course requirements.
    2. Successful completion of 14 credits beyond the core curriculum as required by District policy.
  2. Juab School District Alternative Diploma
    1. Successful completion of the core curriculum and all state course requirements.
    2. Successful completion of 6 credits beyond the core curriculum as required by District policy
  3. Certificate of Completion
    1. Completion of senior year;
    2. Exiting or aging out of the school system; and
    3. Have not met all the state or District requirements for a diploma

The District will not enroll a student with intent to award a diploma or certificate of completion after the student has earned a high school equivalence.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-705-4 (January 11, 2023)

Adult education students will be awarded diplomas as set forth in Policy EHE.

Special Education Students

Special education students shall satisfy high school completion or graduation criteria, consistent with state and federal law and the student’s IEP. Such students may be awarded a certificate of completion or a diploma as set forth above, consistent with state and federal law and the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-705-4 (January 11, 2023)

A student with a significant cognitive disability may be awarded an alternate diploma if the student accesses grade-level Core standards through the Essential Elements, the student’s IEP team makes graduation substitutions in the same content area from a list of alternative courses approved by the State Superintendent, and the student meets all graduation requirements prior to exiting school at or before age 22. An alternate diploma may not indicate that the recipient is a student with a disability. Notwithstanding the award of an alternate diploma, the District may still be obligated to provide FAPE to an eligible student in accordance with IDEA.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-705-5 (January 11, 2023)

Methods of Obtaining Credit

Credits towards graduation may be obtained and recorded on the student’s transcript by the following methods:

1. Successful completion of courses in the high schools of the District.

2. Successful completion of concurrent-enrollment college courses.

3. Satisfaction of coursework by demonstrated competency under policies established by the District following appropriate review.

4. Successful completion of assessment tests in particular subject areas, as established by District policy.

5. Evaluation of student work or projects consistent with District or school procedures and criteria.

6. Successful completion, as determined by the District or school, ofcorrespondence or electronic coursework offered with prior approval by the District or school to the extentpracticable.

7. Transfer credits awarded to a student by a school or provider accredited by an accrediting entity adopted by the State Board of Education, which credits shall be accepted as issued by the school, without alteration.

Receiving Credit through Non-Accredited Sources

Before reviewing a student’s home school or competency work, assessment, or materials with regard to a request for credit, the District shall require documentation of compliance with Utah Code § 53G-6-204 (relating to excuse from compulsory school attendance).

[Note: The District is required to establish a policy explaining the process and standards for acceptance and reciprocity of credits earned, and must do so in an open meeting.]

Utah Admin. Rules R277-705-3 (January 11, 2023)

Utah Code § 53G-7-206 (2019)

Notice of Credit Requirements

Each school within the District shall provide to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of each student enrolling in the school specific and adequate notice of the District’s requirements and limitations for awarding credit, including credits transferred from other schools or education providers and credits awarded from other sources under this policy.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-705-3(1)(b) (January 11, 2023)

Juab School District Alternative Diploma

The requirements for this diploma are listed below. If a student requests this graduation plan, it requires a meeting with the student, parent, and counselor, with approval from an administrator. THE 32 CREDIT DIPLOMA IS THE RECOMMENDED PLAN FOR ALL JUAB DISTRICT STUDENTS. However, it is understood that for some, the 32-credit diploma is not attainable. The guidelines for the 24-credit diploma plan must all be followed or appealed to the Credit Review Committee if an exception is justified. Students completing this diploma may continue to attend Juab High School and participate in their graduation ceremony.

1. All Core courses must be completed.

The 24- credit basic diploma has 13.5 fewer elective requirements. Therefore, a student who is opting for thisdiploma will be required to complete all core classes prior to registering forelectives beyond the 5.5 credits required for the basic 24-credit diploma.

2. All students opting for a 24-credit diploma must be a full-time student.

Currently, full-time is considered being enrolled in 6 credit earning classes each term. These classes shall be ones within the JSD umbrella.

3. The 24-credit diploma will be a Juab School District diploma, not aspecific high school diploma.

4. Students earning the 24-credit diploma will be allowed to participate inthe graduation ceremony.

5. Once the 24-credit diploma is awarded, a student may not continue toearn high school credit in order to “trade” their diploma for a 32-creditdiploma.

A student may apply for the 24-credit diploma but opt out of that choice at any time, though the choice to pursue a 24-credit diploma should not be made unless it is unrealistic for the student to complete all requirements for the 32- credit diploma.

Students may request an application for a Juab School District Alternative Diploma through the Juab High School counselor’s office.

Policy EHA - Graduation Requirements (2024)


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