Trait List - SilentChaos512/Silent-Gear GitHub Wiki (2024)

Generated in-game by sgear_traits dump_md command on 2022/01/07 19:20:47

This data may or may not be accurate depending on the mod pack you are playing and the mods or data packs installed.

Data Sources

The following mods and data packs have added traits to the output. Running the dump command yourself may produce different results.

  • Silent Gear (silentgear) 2.8.3

Trait Types

These are trait serializers. You can define custom instances of these types using data packs.Code for traits and their serializers can be found in net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.

Note that "simple" traits are often used where custom code is required.They are not especially useful when just defined by a data pack.

  • silentgear:bonus_drops (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.BonusDropsTrait)
  • silentgear:target_effect (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.TargetEffectTrait)
  • silentgear:self_repair (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.SelfRepairTrait)
  • silentgear:attribute (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.AttributeTrait)
  • silentgear:cancel_effects (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.CancelEffectsTrait)
  • silentgear:damage_type (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.DamageTypeTrait)
  • silentgear:nbt (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.NBTTrait)
  • silentgear:block_filler (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.BlockFillerTrait)
  • silentgear:synergy (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.SynergyTrait)
  • silentgear:wielder_effect (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.WielderEffectTrait)
  • silentgear:stat_modifier (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.StatModifierTrait)
  • silentgear:simple_trait (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.SimpleTrait)
  • silentgear:block_placer (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.BlockPlacerTrait)
  • silentgear:stellar (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.StellarTrait)
  • silentgear:enchantment (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.EnchantmentTrait)
  • silentgear:durability (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.trait.DurabilityTrait)

List of Traits


  • Gains harvest speed, attack speed, and ranged speed as damaged
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Azure Electrum (Main, Tool Rod), Fine Silk Cloth (Grip)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:accelerate
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • Harvest Speed: 2.0 * level * damage
    • Ranged Speed: 0.01 * level * damage
    • Attack Speed: 0.01 * level * damage


  • Armor increases damage resistance, tools deal more damage to mobs with a base health of more than 10 hearts
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • ID: silentgear:adamant
  • Type: silentgear:wielder_effect
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • armor
      • Resistance: [1, 1, 1, 2] (by armor piece count)


  • Increases XP dropped by blocks and mobs
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Dimerald (Tool Rod), End Stone (Main, Tool Rod), Phantom Membrane (Grip), Stone (Main)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:ancient
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 5


  • Full set of armor gives water breathing, deals more damage to aquatic mobs
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Prismarine (Coating)
  • ID: silentgear:aquatic
  • Type: silentgear:wielder_effect
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • armor
      • Water Breathing: [1] (requires full set of armor)


  • Provides bonus armor
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Diamond (Adornment)
  • Conditions: ((Gear Type: armor OR Gear Type: curio))
  • ID: silentgear:bastion
  • Type: silentgear:attribute
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • all
      • minecraft:generic.armor: ADDITION [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]


  • Boots negate fall damage, armor knocks back attackers
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Slime (Lining)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: armor)
  • ID: silentgear:bounce
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1


  • Shiny! Piglin like.
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Blaze Gold (Coating, Main), Gold (Coating, Main)
  • ID: silentgear:brilliant
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1


  • Gear sometimes takes extra damage (cancels with Malleable)
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Basalt (Main, Tool Rod), Blackstone (Main, Tool Rod), Diamond (Main, Tool Rod, Tip Upgrade), Dimerald (Main, Tool Rod), Emerald (Main, Tool Rod, Tip Upgrade), Flint (Tool Rod), Obsidian (Tool Rod), Quartz (Tool Rod), Stone (Tool Rod), Terracotta (Main, Tool Rod)
  • ID: silentgear:brittle
  • Type: silentgear:durability
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:malleable
  • Extra Info:
    • 1.0 damage with a 10% chance per level


  • TODO, not tested
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:bulky
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • Attack Speed: -0.075 * level * damage


  • Deals more damage to Nether and fire-immune mobs
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: weapon)
  • ID: silentgear:chilled
  • Type: silentgear:damage_type
  • Max Level: 5


  • Reduces armor or increases harvest speed as gear is damaged
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Basalt (Main, Tool Rod), Bone (Main), Obsidian (Tool Rod), Quartz (Tip Upgrade), Terracotta (Main)
  • ID: silentgear:chipping
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • Harvest Speed: 0.25 * level * damage * value
    • Armor: -0.075 * level * damage * value


  • I like big boom boom
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: weapon)
  • ID: silentgear:confetti
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 5


  • Creates and places basalt at the cost of durability
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:crackler
  • Type: silentgear:block_placer
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Places: minecraft:basalt
    • Durability Cost: 3


  • Reduces synergy (cancels with Synergy Boost)
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Rough Wood (Tool Rod)
  • ID: silentgear:crude
  • Type: silentgear:synergy
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:synergistic, silentgear:rustic
  • Extra Info:
    • Please read this page for more information on synergy
    • -0.04 synergy if greater than 0%


  • Increases armor or decreases attack damage as gear is damaged
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Obsidian (Main), Quartz (Main), Stone (Tool Rod), Terracotta (Tool Rod)
  • ID: silentgear:crushing
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • Attack Damage: -0.1667 * level * damage * value
    • Armor: 0.05 * level * damage * value

Cure Poison

  • Removes poison effect when equipped
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • ID: silentgear:cure_poison
  • Type: silentgear:cancel_effects
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Cancels these effects: minecraft:poison

Cure Wither

  • Removes wither effect when equipped
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • ID: silentgear:cure_wither
  • Type: silentgear:cancel_effects
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Cancels these effects: minecraft:wither


  • Reduces luck, how unfortunate
  • Found On:
    • Materials: material.silentgear.amethyst (Adornment)
  • ID: silentgear:cursed
  • Type: silentgear:attribute
  • Max Level: 7
  • Cancels With: silentgear:lucky
  • Extra Info:


  • Increases harvest speed and reduces attack damage as gear is damaged
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Netherrack (Main, Tool Rod)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:eroded
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:jagged
  • Extra Info:
    • Attack Damage: -0.15 * level * damage * value
    • Harvest Speed: 0.15 * level * damage * value


  • Adds Fire Aspect or Flame to appropriate gear
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Blaze Gold (Tip Upgrade), Crimson Iron (Tip Upgrade)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: weapon)
  • ID: silentgear:fiery
  • Type: silentgear:enchantment
  • Max Level: 2
  • Extra Info:
    • ranged_weapon
      • minecraft:flame: [1]
    • melee_weapon
      • minecraft:fire_aspect: [1, 2]


  • Cannot be destroyed when dropped in fire or lava
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Netherite (Coating)
  • ID: silentgear:fireproof
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • The item cannot be destroyed by fire or lava

Flame Ward

  • Gives fire resistance on armor (full set only)
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Crimson Steel (Main)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: armor)
  • ID: silentgear:flame_ward
  • Type: silentgear:wielder_effect
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • The item cannot be destroyed by fire or lava
    • armor
      • Fire Resistance: [1] (requires full set of armor)


  • Takes damage when on fire and can be used as fuel
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Wooden (Main)
  • ID: silentgear:flammable
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1


  • Gear occasionally takes less damage (cancels with Brittle)
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Azure Electrum (Tool Rod), Azure Silver (Tool Rod), Blaze Gold (Tool Rod), Blaze Rod (Tool Rod), Bone (Tool Rod), End Rod (Tool Rod), Fine Silk (Cord, Cord), Fine Silk Cloth (Lining), Flax (Binding), Fluffy String (Binding), Leather (Grip, Lining), Netherrack (Main, Tool Rod), Netherwood (Main, Tool Rod), Sinew (Binding, Cord, Cord), String (Binding), Wooden (Main, Tool Rod), Wool (Grip, Lining)
  • ID: silentgear:flexible
  • Type: silentgear:durability
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:brittle
  • Extra Info:
    • -1.0 damage with a 5% chance per level


  • Creates and places end stone at the cost of durability
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:floatstoner
  • Type: silentgear:block_placer
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Places: minecraft:end_stone
    • Durability Cost: 3

Gold Digger

  • Sometimes increases nugget drops when mining
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Dimerald (Main), Tyrian Steel (Tip Upgrade)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: harvest_tool)
  • ID: silentgear:gold_digger
  • Type: silentgear:bonus_drops
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • 15% chance per level of dropping 50% more of forge:nuggets (tag)


  • Increases harvest speed or decreases ranged damage as item is damaged (cancels with Soft)
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Blackstone (Main, Tool Rod), Crimson Iron (Main), Crimson Steel (Main)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:hard
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:soft
  • Extra Info:
    • Harvest Speed: 0.05 * level * damage * value
    • Ranged Damage: -0.1 * level * damage * value


  • Armor decreases movement speed
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: armor)
  • ID: silentgear:heavy
  • Type: silentgear:attribute
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:light
  • Extra Info:
    • armor/head
      • minecraft:generic.movement_speed: MULTIPLY_BASE [-0.01, -0.02, -0.03, -0.04, -0.05]
    • armor/feet
      • minecraft:generic.movement_speed: MULTIPLY_BASE [-0.01, -0.02, -0.03, -0.04, -0.05]
    • armor/legs
      • minecraft:generic.movement_speed: MULTIPLY_BASE [-0.01, -0.02, -0.03, -0.04, -0.05]
    • armor/chest
      • minecraft:generic.movement_speed: MULTIPLY_BASE [-0.01, -0.02, -0.03, -0.04, -0.05]


  • Deals extra damage to the undead
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Lapis Lazuli (Tip Upgrade)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: weapon)
  • ID: silentgear:holy
  • Type: silentgear:damage_type
  • Max Level: 5


  • Lights blocks on fire at a small durability cost
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:ignite
  • Type: silentgear:block_placer
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Places: minecraft:fire
    • Durability Cost: 1


  • Sometimes increases gem drops when mining
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Dimerald (Tip Upgrade), Tyrian Steel (Tip Upgrade)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: harvest_tool)
  • ID: silentgear:imperial
  • Type: silentgear:bonus_drops
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • 8% chance per level of dropping 100% more of forge:gems (tag)


  • Prevents durability loss
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • ID: silentgear:indestructible
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • The damage (durability lost) of the item will remain the same as when the trait was added
    • The item can still be repaired if desired


  • ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves / Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: harvest_tool)
  • ID: silentgear:jabberwocky
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:Something may happen if you mine certain blocks with this


  • Increases attack damage or decreased ranged damage as item is damaged
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Blackstone (Main, Tool Rod), End Stone (Main, Tool Rod), Flint (Main, Tool Rod), Netherwood (Main), Obsidian (Main), Quartz (Main, Tip Upgrade), Wooden (Main)
  • ID: silentgear:jagged
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:eroded
  • Extra Info:
    • Attack Damage: 0.1667 * level * damage * value
    • Ranged Damage: -0.1667 * level * damage * value

Kitty Vision

  • Gives night vision on helmets and curios
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Dimerald (Adornment)
  • Conditions: ((Gear Type: helmet OR Gear Type: curio))
  • ID: silentgear:kitty_vision
  • Type: silentgear:wielder_effect
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • helmet
      • Night Vision: [1] (by trait level)
    • curio
      • Night Vision: [1] (by trait level)


  • Armor increases movement speed
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Azure Electrum (Main), Phantom Membrane (Lining)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: armor)
  • ID: silentgear:light
  • Type: silentgear:attribute
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:heavy
  • Extra Info:
    • armor/head
      • minecraft:generic.movement_speed: MULTIPLY_BASE [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05]
    • armor/feet
      • minecraft:generic.movement_speed: MULTIPLY_BASE [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05]
    • armor/legs
      • minecraft:generic.movement_speed: MULTIPLY_BASE [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05]
    • armor/chest
      • minecraft:generic.movement_speed: MULTIPLY_BASE [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05]


  • Adds luck when held (this is not Fortune)
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Fine Silk (Binding), Lapis Lazuli (Adornment, Tip Upgrade)
  • ID: silentgear:lucky
  • Type: silentgear:attribute
  • Max Level: 7
  • Cancels With: silentgear:cursed
  • Extra Info:
    • Luck has nothing to do with the Fortune enchantment! It affects loot from some loot tables, but not most. It does not increase drops from normal ores. Please read here for more information:
    • all
      • minecraft:generic.luck: ADDITION [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]


  • Tools gain a large harvest speed boost when in light
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Diamond (Main, Tool Rod, Tip Upgrade), Glowstone (Tip Upgrade)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: harvest_tool)
  • ID: silentgear:lustrous
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 5


  • Auto-smelting
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Crimson Steel (Tip Upgrade)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: harvest_tool)
  • ID: silentgear:magmatic
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:Smelted drops are not affected by fortune to prevent item duplication


  • Pulls in nearby items
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Iron (Main, Tool Rod)
  • ID: silentgear:magnetic
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:Higher levels increase range


  • Gear sometimes takes less damage (cancels with Brittle)
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Azure Electrum (Main, Tip Upgrade), Azure Silver (Main, Tip Upgrade), Blaze Gold (Main), Crimson Iron (Main, Tool Rod), Crimson Steel (Main, Tool Rod), Gold (Main, Tool Rod, Tip Upgrade), High-Carbon Steel (Test) (Main), Iron (Main, Tip Upgrade)
  • ID: silentgear:malleable
  • Type: silentgear:durability
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:brittle
  • Extra Info:
    • -1.0 damage with a 10% chance per level


  • Gives strength and/or haste on tools based on trait level
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Quartz (Adornment)
  • Conditions: ((Gear Type: tool OR Gear Type: curio))
  • ID: silentgear:mighty
  • Type: silentgear:wielder_effect
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • tool
      • Strength: [0, 0, 1, 1, 2] (by trait level)
      • Haste: [1, 1, 1, 2, 3] (by trait level)
    • curio
      • Haste: [1, 1, 2, 2, 3] (by trait level)


  • I don't believe in gravity!
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Azure Silver (Main)
  • Conditions: ((Gear Type: boots OR Gear Type: curio))
  • ID: silentgear:moonwalker
  • Type: silentgear:attribute
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • boots/feet
      • forge:entity_gravity: MULTIPLY_BASE [-0.15, -0.3, -0.45000002, -0.6, -0.75]


  • TODO, not coded
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • ID: silentgear:multi_break
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • This trait has never been coded and has almost achieved meme status
    • Intended effect: mine multiple blocks like vein miner


  • Gains enchantability, but loses magic damage as the item is damaged
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • ID: silentgear:organic
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:eroded
  • Extra Info:
    • Magic Damage: -0.15 * level * damage * value
    • Enchantability: 0.1 * level * damage * value


  • Places netherrack at the cost of durability
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:racker
  • Type: silentgear:block_placer
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Places: minecraft:netherrack
    • Durability Cost: 3


  • Increases block reach distance
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Blaze Rod (Tool Rod), Emerald (Adornment)
  • ID: silentgear:reach
  • Type: silentgear:attribute
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • all
      • forge:reach_distance: ADDITION [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0]

Red Card

  • trait.silentgear.red_card.desc
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
    • Parts: Red Card
  • ID: silentgear:red_card
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1


  • Place phantom lights when used
  • Found On:
    • Materials: End Rod (Tool Rod), Glowstone (Tip Upgrade)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:refractive
  • Type: silentgear:block_placer
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Places: silentgear:phantom_light
    • Durability Cost: 5


  • Slowly repairs the item over time
  • Found On:
    • Materials: material.silentgear.amethyst (Main), Phantom Membrane (Main)
  • ID: silentgear:renew
  • Type: silentgear:self_repair
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • 1.8% chance per level of restoring 1 durability each second
    • Only works if equipped or in a player's inventory

Road Maker

  • Turns dirt-like blocks into grass paths
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
    • Parts: Road Maker Upgrade
  • ID: silentgear:road_maker
  • Type: silentgear:block_filler
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Fills with: minecraft:dirt_path
    • Replaces
      • Block: minecraft:grass_block
      • Does not replace tile entities
    • Fill Area
      • X: 3 (+1)
      • Y: 1 (+0)
      • Z: 3 (+1)
      • On sneak: PASS
    • Durability Cost: 0.5


  • Increases synergy if it's 100% or less
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Terracotta (Main, Tool Rod)
  • ID: silentgear:rustic
  • Type: silentgear:synergy
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:synergistic
  • Extra Info:
    • Please read this page for more information on synergy
    • +0.05 synergy if between 74% and 100%


  • Gain harvest speed and attack damage as durability is lost
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:sharp
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • Attack Damage: 0.125 * level * damage * value
    • Harvest Speed: 0.125 * level * damage * value


  • Adds Silk Touch to harvest tools
  • Found On:
    • Materials: material.silentgear.amethyst (Tip Upgrade)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: harvest_tool)
  • ID: silentgear:silky
  • Type: silentgear:enchantment
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • harvest_tool
      • minecraft:silk_touch: [1]


  • Reduces harvest speed as tool is damaged (cancels with Hard)
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Azure Silver (Main, Tip Upgrade), Blaze Gold (Coating, Main, Tip Upgrade), Copper (Main, Tool Rod), Gold (Coating, Main, Tip Upgrade)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:soft
  • Type: silentgear:stat_modifier
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:hard
  • Extra Info:
    • Harvest Speed: -0.15 * level * damage * value


  • Pickaxes can mine soil
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
    • Parts: Spoon Upgrade
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: pickaxe)
  • ID: silentgear:spoon
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1


  • Armor gives speed and jump boost, items slowly repair themselves
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • ID: silentgear:stellar
  • Type: silentgear:stellar
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • Has a 2% chance per level to restore 1 durability each second
    • armor
      • Speed: [0, 1, 2, 3] (by armor piece count)
      • Jump Boost: [1, 2, 3, 4] (by armor piece count)


  • Gear frequently takes less damage
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Tyrian Steel (Main, Tool Rod)
  • ID: silentgear:sturdy
  • Type: silentgear:durability
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:brittle
  • Extra Info:
    • -1.0 damage with a 17% chance per level

Swift Swim

  • Increases swim speed
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Prismarine (Adornment)
  • ID: silentgear:swift_swim
  • Type: silentgear:attribute
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • all
      • forge:swim_speed: ADDITION [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]


  • Gear gets a synergy bonus (if base value is more than 100%)
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Blaze Gold (Tool Rod), Emerald (Main, Tool Rod, Tip Upgrade)
  • ID: silentgear:synergistic
  • Type: silentgear:synergy
  • Max Level: 5
  • Cancels With: silentgear:crude
  • Extra Info:
    • Please read this page for more information on synergy
    • +0.04 synergy if greater than 100%


  • Creates and places stone blocks when used
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:terminus
  • Type: silentgear:block_placer
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Places: minecraft:stone
    • Durability Cost: 3


  • Hold your breath for longer
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Turtle (Main)
  • Conditions: ((Gear Type: helmet OR Gear Type: curio))
  • ID: silentgear:turtle
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1


  • Poisons the target when attacked
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:venom
  • Type: silentgear:target_effect
  • Max Level: 5
  • Extra Info:
    • tool
      • Level 1:
        • effect.minecraft.poison, Duration: 80
      • Level 2:
        • effect.minecraft.poison, Duration: 160
      • Level 3:
        • effect.minecraft.poison, Duration: 240
      • Level 4:
        • effect.minecraft.poison, Duration: 320
      • Level 5:
        • effect.minecraft.poison, Duration: 400

Void Ward

  • Saves the wearer from falling out of the world
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Tyrian Steel (Main)
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: armor)
  • ID: silentgear:void_ward
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:When void damage is taken, the player is launched upward and given a levitation and slow falling effect


  • Places obsidian at a high durability cost
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: tool)
  • ID: silentgear:vulcan
  • Type: silentgear:block_placer
  • Max Level: 1
  • Extra Info:
    • Places: minecraft:obsidian
    • Durability Cost: 20
    • Cooldown: 100


  • Increases the effect radius of hammers and excavators
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
    • Parts: Wide Plate
  • Conditions: (Gear Type: harvest_tool)
  • ID: silentgear:widen
  • Type: silentgear:simple_trait
  • Max Level: 3
  • Extra Info:
    • Adds the trait level to the effect radius
    • Level 1 = 5x5, 2 = 7x7, 3 = 9x9


  • trait.silentgear.nc_radiation_protection.desc
  • Found On:
    • Materials: Nothing
  • ID: silentgear:nc_radiation_protection
  • Type: silentgear:nbt
  • Max Level: 5
Trait List - SilentChaos512/Silent-Gear GitHub Wiki (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.